Which one ?


Hey guys, I know this question has been asked like a 98345305 times, but let's make it 98345306 times :p
Which network is most likely to accept me ?

my channel's status (according to social blade):
- 280 subscribers (gaining 13.2 daily by average)
- 2404 views (gaining 109.8 daily by average)
- 1974 channel views (gaining 91 daily by average)
- 20 days old channel
- A gaming channel (RPG)
- 13 videos uploaded
- uploading 3 - 4 times a week
- No strikes what so ever, I use only one royalty free music that's it, And i have permission to use it.

so which one is most likely to accept me(assuming my channel's age is more than a month),
And is social blade good ? I heard that they were an average network, not a good RPM and a CTC , no promotion ... etc
please list them below and tell my why this network not any other network
Thanks ^_^

14 days old and those stats impressive, but none.
All have 1 month wait time.

Please ask again next year :P
14 days old and those stats impressive, but none.
All have 1 month wait time.

Please ask again next year :p

so which one is most likely to accept me(assuming my channel's age is more than a month),

Assuming that it is one month ^_^"[DOUBLEPOST=1356615707,1356615650][/DOUBLEPOST]
after 1 month, join either socialblade or creator x
which one will accept me ? and why did you choose those two networks ?[DOUBLEPOST=1356615740][/DOUBLEPOST]
I highly recommend RPM/Sociablade, check out my video below for more information :)
thanks, I'll check it
Come on man, is this a joke? You started a channel 2 weeks ago and are looking for a network already? Why not build your channel for a year and than look for a network? Why is everyone so interested in becoming a network partner? Am I missing something?
Assuming that it is one month ^_^"[DOUBLEPOST=1356615707,1356615650][/DOUBLEPOST]
which one will accept me ? and why did you choose those two networks ?[DOUBLEPOST=1356615740][/DOUBLEPOST]
thanks, I'll check it
These two networks are the ones with the lowest requirements. From what i know, id probably go with socialblade, they help you promote your channel
Come on man, is this a joke? You started a channel 2 weeks ago and are looking for a network already? Why not build your channel for a year and than look for a network? Why is everyone so interested in becoming a network partner? Am I missing something?
So i can get the branding options, Therefor making better content, When people see that you have a channel banner, custom thumbnails, etc they'll build an image that you're awesome ! and i don't want to partner with youtube itself so i won't get my adsense account disabled :P

These two networks are the ones with the lowest requirements. From what i know, id probably go with socialblade, they help you promote your channel
But CreatorX also promotes your channel + they have an ads sales team :P
Nah, that does not make sense to me. I get custom thumbnails. Do not need a banner to make a channel. The content makes a channel, not the extra goodies. If you think that a banner and a custom thumbnail will make your channel awesome, then you have already failed. I had a look at your channel and it seems you do Pokemon box openings and such. I guess there is an audience for that, my kid likes pokemon. But if you think a network will make your channel awesome than go for it. But dont be supprised when all they do is cut into your earnings. Good luck
which one will accept me ? and why did you choose those two networks ?
Based on the first post and quick look at uploads... you would probably get approved for Creator X.

The only thing obvious might be the limited upload history. In which case... if you got denied, you could just re-apply in 30 days. :)

Main thing is to research your options and pick the best network for your channel and goals. (if a network is the route you decide on) So, you're already halfway there.

Hope that helps and good luck!