Which networks are partnered through EA?

If you’re a gamer, you just read the reason – only Network Partnerships will allow you to monetize game play (any type of game play) videos. YouTube’s AdSense Monetization will NOT let you monetize those videos. However, keep in mind that this happens for a price.

YouTube/Google always takes a cut – whether you’re a small YouTube Partner using AdSense, or the Machinima channel/network. If you sign with a Network though (Machinima, Fullscreen, Maker, TGN, etc.) not only is YouTube still taking their cut, but so is the network. Depending on the contract, networks usually take between 50% to 5% of your earnings AFTER YouTube takes their cut. If you’re using AdSense ALL of that would be going to you, as only YouTube will get a cut.

So why does anyone cough up half of their pay check to be a Network Partner? Much like sports agents, networks simply offer you benefits:

1. Monetization of Gameplay (impossible with AdSense)

This is what I read on this website
This is where network partnerships come in – especially for gamers. Any network today allows you to monetize game play videos, something you can’t do with AdSense. While you may think this is because the networks made exclusive deals with the game producers, it’s nothing like that – most networks have NO licenses for the games their partners monetize.

Is this a problem? No, because most game publishers (there are exceptions) will never sue you or claim copyright over game plays. After all, millions of views only help the games become and stay more popular. So why can Networks monetize while YouTube still refuses? Most likely because YouTube does not want to be “the one who allowed it” since it’s still a gray area – they don’t want any of the liability, but let networks do it.
When should I apply to this network? It says you need 500-1000 daily views but what about the subs?

Subs isn't relevant its all about daily views, yes they will have a quick glance at your subs but networks will mainly be looking at the views as these are the things that will make them money.
I record simcity 5 gameplay I edit mine down and add commentary but mine keep getting rejected for proof of commercial rights.