Which Network are you with and Why?

No partnership for me, I just don't know who would be a good fit for a cooking channel. I'm sure I must qualify for a few of them (besides social blade). Plus I'm struggling with what they actually offer that will make a difference besides a banner. I would love a banner as everyone who doesn't have one would. ;) I would love to know some real benefits, because I don't know how good they are for promoting small channels (I only get about 400 views per day).
I'm with Maker Studios. Originally I was in RPM but eventually they offered to put me into the Maker network after my stats starting greatly improving. I decided to go with them since they were willing to work with me on a good contract, and I had no problems with them with RPM.
3 actually
my main channel: RPM; had no choice
Second Channel: Sociablade; thought i gave it a go
Third Random: TGN; got recruited
3 actually
my main channel: RPM; had no choice
Second Channel: Sociablade; thought i gave it a go
Third Random: TGN; got rectuited
RPM and socialblade are the same network lol

btw being with TGN is breaking your contract with RPM, as they own rights to partner any of your channels :|
RPM and socialblade are the same network lol

btw being with TGN is breaking your contract with RPM, as they own rights to partner any of your channels :|

I was refering to how many were partnered..........
i don't even use it anymore, i actually deleted it, it was too much of a hassle to keep
3 pages is impressive, for me I just aim to stay with Yeousch hopefully after my 2 year contract as happy with them and see no alternative. Just got to see what happens really :)
I didn't join Machinima I was offered the Director's Program back in '08 by Aaron DeBevoise. I was like sure why not.
Then I became inactive due to getting married and having a kid after that. But mostly was because the wifey was hogging the PC. Yes I only have one gaming network computer.

Now, I'm trying to get back into creating content once again, keep fighting my wife to let me use the computer. I also have to fight with my 4 1/2 year old son to let go the XBOX360-Netflix.

I have it hard lol