Which microphone to get?


Active Member
HiHo YouTube People,

Quick question for ye? I want to get an external microphone that will sit on top of my SLR while we're filming. At the moment we're just using the in-built mic on the Canon 500D.
Does anyone use mics like this? and which brand/model would you suggest?

I think visually, our videos are good but the sound can be a bit tinny as we're in quite a large room.

Any ideas?
I honestly didn't hear any tinny when I watched your vids. Only thing I could really think of is location, location, location. I'm guessing your in a room with a hard floor? I doubt a new mic will solve natural echo of the room, maybe a rug or two.

BUT, to be quite frank I dont think the echo needs seriously fixing
Thanks for that. The room is actually carpeted but has freakishly high ceilings.
I am no pro when it comes to equipment but I am looking to buy a microphone for my camera I am getting soon and I am leaning towards the Rode Videomic, not the pro version so it isnt as small but the sound quality seems great to me and much better than internal microphones, you can get them for around £75 on ebay and amazon, as said though your sound quality is rather good. You should find one that interests you and then search on YouTube for the mic name review and listen to the quality yourself.
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I don't think a mike is going to help the echo. Try following Raetac's advice and cover the hard surfaces, including floors, furniture, walls and windows.
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