Where do Your Ideas come from?


Well-Known Member
Everyone always says the best thoughts come in the shower and a part of me feels like that is true. Where do you find as the best place to come up with great video ideas?
at night. right when I need to fuckin sleep because work is waiting the next day. actually just like now
Honestly, i look at a thing and think " what's a complete opposite of this" or "what could i make that's obnoxious about this" something like this. I tend to be very technical with my ideas. just my preference.
They just kind of come out of nowhere. I like to vlog about my life experiences and stuff so any time something interesting in my life comes up, I make a video about it or if there's a topic that I really want to discuss
Ideas can come at any moment. Sometimes, just by looking at an ordinary object, or type of video that has been done before, we can ask ourselves, how can I look at this differently, and explore other sides of this topic. I think that's when things start to get interesting.