When you're writing a script, do you memorize it, or jot down notes to expand on?

Since I'm trying to do sort of a light hearted tech related channel, I'm trying to have a good mix of specifications, and being upbeat to keep the audience engaged. I'm still new to all this so I'm trying out some different stuff before I upload.

Tech stuff is very spec heavy so it's good to have a note written down that I can reference when I need it, but I'm trying to figure out ways to not sound robotic and like I'm reading off a list.

Which method do you prefer when it comes to scripting your videos out?
I do make scripts but when I execute and actually record I kind of improvise and say it however feels the most natural. I do a couple takes sometimes if I'm not sure what sounds best and then I pick the one I like. This way I don't sound like a robot, I also do a lot of changes in dynamics, I will go from being quiet, close to whispering, to really loud and having huge emphasis. This helps to be more entertaining.

Also, I would watch other peoples videos to get a sense of what works for others, most youtubers are scripted unless they do like let's plays for game which require genuine reactions, etc. Make sure you are being yourself though, a "more entertaining version of yourself", I like to say. Good luck and remember to have fun!
If I'm making video responses, I usually improv on the points because of the "pausing" factor that I can do during my recordings. For me, it's easier to jot down notes if I take notes before shooting the video. However, I go over the videos I cover time and time again to get a feel on what I should say and such. You mention that you don't want to sound like a robot... the only advice I can give for that is to just jot down notes so that you can force yourself to word things in your own way, rather that reading off of a script. Some people can pull off not sounding like a robot with a script. If you're not one of these people, jot down notes that you can expand on.