What's your least successful video?


I've got a yen for being in Japan!
Last week a post popped up about your most viewed video. Time to go the opposite route and say what your lowest viewed one was and why.

My first video ever actually had the lowest view count. It has 490 views after 14 months. I think it's due to having no following at the start and the topic being very narrow as well as not understanding SEO and having it be unsearchable. Almost all views came from subscribers later on

What's yours?
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My least successful video was one 10 months ago, 'Summer tag!! | MattOnline' this was when I used to make them rather cringe tag videos wayyyy too often lol, the thumbnail does not stand out and the video as a whole is super basic, boring and monotone :///
Liquid Cooled Gaming Rig - 83 views. One of the first videos I ever made in 2014. It was just me showing off a computer that I built that was liquid cooled. I could probably get the views up if I posted it under a subreddit about custom computer rigs.
I have loads sat around 2000 views which all compete with each other as my least successful
I would say it's my For Honor video.
People didn't seem interested in that game. (Heck, I lost interest after two play sessions)
I did quite a few videos on left for dead 2 and only one of the three or four videos I posted got an average amount of views, the rest did abysmally and I didn't make any more afterwards :giggle:
5K milestone. What a pretentious waste of time. I was overly confident after the success of the 3K and 2K ones that I could switch up my content on the fly and make stuff happily ever after yay

...I was wrong. That thing is still at like 7,000 views years later. :p
Mines is definitely the "LAKEHOUSE TOUR | FIRST VLOG". I posted it about a month ago and it almost has 200 views. I wanted to start vlogging my life for memories and I won't stop just because I'm not getting views. But since my channel is geared towards my weight loss journey, it makes sense since that video isn't part of my "niche" audience.