What's your average audience retention?

Now, I'm a small YouTuber as of right now mine is only 11% I feel like that isn't good, view duration is only 0:59 and my videos are much longer than that. Think I need to work on my content to get more peoples attention, grasp them somehow to have them want to watch more & longer.
Last 28 days I've had:
61% view percentage
2:09 view duration.

Honestly, if you're really focused on view duration and not view percentage then I think your priorities aren't too focused. While it'd be great to rank higher in the algorithm with high view duration, its the view percentage that determines how engaging your video is with your audience, and how long before they get bored of you. If anything it's a good idea to make engaging content isn't it? As content creators, maybe good videos should be instead of long ones!
My average watch time is just over 3 minutes (Aug 2013-Present), but my latest video has an average of 7 and a half minutes with just under 3,000 views (posted 5 days ago). The last 28 days has had an average watch time of just over 4 minutes. Total minutes watched is 10.5 Million minutes, which is 19.977 years of watching since 2013. Minutes watched for last 28 days is 257,000 minutes with 63,000 views. Not sure what retention is, but probably around 30-50% I'm guessing - on mobile and can't find it on Creator Studio.
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Mine is 35% and I definitely agree with JesusGreen. That is the approach I use when looking at my analytics