What's the difference between youtube and channel partners?

I'm really sorry if I'm asking something very obvious, or if I'm not posting this in the right place, but I've been wondering about this for a while now..
What's the difference between having a youtube partnership, or being with, say for instance, fullscreen?
In terms of money, am I going to be a lot better off with them? and in promotion, and the way I can upload, do really obvious things greatly improve? Because so far, most things I've seen about these channels is that they just offer the same things youtube does, but in a slightly different way. Then again, I've only been uploading for about 3 months, so I don't really know a lot anyway..

Please someone help me out with this
Networks does only benefit you if you are a big youtuber.

If you are small networks only use you to earn money. Most of them has thresholds that you need to earn between 50 to 100$ until you get paid. Anything below that goes straight into the network and if you arent capable of negotiation most of the networks take like 30% of your earnings.
Networks does only benefit you if you are a big youtuber.

If you are small networks only use you to earn money. Most of them has thresholds that you need to earn between 50 to 100$ until you get paid. Anything below that goes straight into the network and if you arent capable of negotiation most of the networks take like 30% of your earnings.

You don't lose the money if you don't hit the threshold, it's stored until the amount exceeds said number..
You gain $40/mo for three months you'll still get a $120 cheque.
Also.. All American companies are liable to payout accounts payable (commissions) on request if you have a threshold, you are able to "clean your account" once per contract signing with any of the US networks.
I'm interested in whatever answers come in as well. What does it take to get the "YouTube Partner" badge on here? What's the formal process on YouTube to becoming a partner and how does joining a network (can someone name some besides FullScreen) affect you. What services do they provide?
So, basically what I hear so far is that it does earn more, but only if you're in it for the long run, and can wait until you exceed the threshold?
So.. be patient, and you'll make a profit out of it, that's kind of the idea?

Anyone else with more stories?
If you are small channel stay with adsense! ITS A LOT BETTER. In terms of money, they are the same. Just stay with YouTube till you get big.

Also DO NOT join these two networks at all:

- AwesomenessTV

Heres my 2 cents... :)
If you are small channel stay with adsense! ITS A LOT BETTER. In terms of money, they are the same. Just stay with YouTube till you get big.

Also DO NOT join these two networks at all:

- AwesomenessTV

Heres my 2 cents... :)

Regarding the small channel thing, why so? And what is considered small channel? I have about a thousand subs now over the course of 3 months. Is that already considered big enough to profit from fullscreen?