What's going on?


This is just a simple video on me hand feeding great tits. It has no copyrighted music in it. For some reason the monetization icon has gone! I have no emails from YouTube/Google and no account warnings.

This has happened to another video that I uploaded, on xmas eve! It had no copyrighted music, it was just me creating a short tutorial on how to peel sprouts.

Any one know why this has happened!??

I got an email from them, they are now looking into it so they can fix the issue!

View attachment 6730

This is just a simple video on me hand feeding great tits. It has no copyrighted music in it. For some reason the monetization icon has gone! I have no emails from YouTube/Google and no account warnings.

This has happened to another video that I uploaded, on xmas eve! It had no copyrighted music, it was just me creating a short tutorial on how to peel sprouts.

Any one know why this has happened!??
Maybe because its about tits?
Yeah it is. but my account is still safe. I feel like deleting that video and re-uploading it. I hate using copyrighted things and would never use copyrighted music/picture or videos.
Yeah maybe some weird bug happened when it uploaded :s