What's going on with the "New Fred"

Does anyone remember the chain letter in 2009 saying that we all should unsub Fred at June 1st?
That day you could literally refresh the page and see Fred's subscriber number going down.
He also used to use a sub bot: He hid his subscriber box because the same people showed up in a different order, I don't think this helped him get 1 million though.
I didn't even believe it was real until the.YouTuber Maizenakazen came and used a sub bot and got over 100,000 subs in 2010, he got suspended.
His subscriber page had the same bug as Fred.
I found a hidden video of Fred released 2 July 2014. /watch?v=bDIUEACoU-E Apparently, Fred is in a cage, screaming for help and he didn't know where he was. Claudio also was in the video, but sounded very evil. He said that if he wasn't quiet, he would "get the thorns again" and he yells that he wants Lucas to save him. In the comments, the Lucas and Jenny channel comments "FRED! I will save thee." meaning, the Lucas and Jenny channel might be "hacked" as well. According to the video that CoolMoo quoted upon, that video had the yell of original Fred in the background, yelling "HELP" and in the comments, weirdly enough, Michael Buckley (WHAT THE BUCK) commented "THIS IS SO FUNNY AND IF YOU DON'T THINK THIS IS FUNNY YOU ARE SO WRONG!! HAHAHAA!!" as such as this prank is so funny, or this hack is so funny. Everything seems so weird with this.
I found a hidden video of Fred released 2 July 2014. /watch?v=bDIUEACoU-E .

If you look a few posts back you will see I already found that video. Lucas put a picture on instagram with the link to the video on Tuesday and I just happened to see about three minutes after he put up the picture and the video had 12 views. The fact that it was uploaded on July 2nd, but new Fred didn't even start until August 5th and that video wasn't shown to anyone until two days ago, shows this way planned way in advance.
I was playing Minecraft with my friend a few days ago, and I set random pieces of grass on fire whenever he didn't look.
He wondered how it happened and I said that it could be a bug and he bought it lol

Basically the whole Fred situation explained in form of a Minecraft prank or what most kids call it now; trolling lol
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This new video youtube.com/watch?v=fjVjbU1OpWM should explain (almost) everything. If you are still confused go watch the newest video on the Lucas channel. Wow.
Man I gotta admit, this is one of the most creative things that Fred\Lucas did.
I also like that it's super obvious now and that people are still posting "get off the fred account u hacker" lol

p.s. i new it wuz faek all alung lololol[DOUBLEPOST=1408471051,1408470843][/DOUBLEPOST]Also that Nickelodeon reference, LOL
Here is the dramatic conclusion to Fred.


The whole thing was weird if you ask me and now it is over.