What makes a good username and why?


I've been thinking about this for a while. Before I make my own channel (which could be years from now xD) I want to have a clear idea of the name I would use.

So what would you say makes a good username? and why does that make it a good username?

I definitely want to like the name I choose and have the name mean something to me I guess however I've been thinking about it for months and I still have no clue at all. >.<
Moved this here for you :) I think your name should be easy to remember, easy to spell and easy to type out. It should be something that connects with you and who you are. That's what I think anyway!
My personal opinion is a name that stands out and describes your personality. My title was suggested to me from a friend who watched my videos.
I tend to swear a bit and during games I've a habit of predicting outcomes. It's more random then anything but my guess are about 70% accurate.

I hope this was at least a little helpful to your cause.
Agreeing with what others have already said, not too many characters and something memorable is good (though harder than it sounds I know). I want to say that a relevant username to do with your channel might also help but I think the reason why playing around with your name is so popular is because everyone's content varies.
A good yt username should something short, simple to remember and I think a key one is creative. And of course is tied to your channel such reviews for mine for example :)
Have a name that is relevant to you and don’t include numbers (For example Beans1234) because its been noted that people are less likely to find your channel if you have number in your username. Also try to make your name funny!

For example My YouTube name is FlickYOBean My nickname from High school was Beanny due to my surname. All my channels have had the word bean in as it is relevant to me, then I made it funny by adding a bit of **** to it 'YO'
something memorable, something not already in use anywhere, something without random numbers, something that can be branded.
Still having trouble coming up with something original that I like :/ It's really annoying me because I waste so much time just trying to think of something >.
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Still having trouble coming up with something original that I like :/ It's really annoying me because I waste so much time just trying to think of something >.
write all the ideas you have down in a notepad (virtual or real) and write down things you like as well or things that mean something to you. Long story short for mine: I like wolves and I also love the thought of being able to turn into a ghostly mist the result: my current username lol
Almost anything can be a good username. Having good meaning behind it is a plus, but really. As long as it's not something like: Aiue873onfuey7db or anything with numbers in it, it'll be alright. I learned from experience with the numbers thing. I used to be 'JeriKane1998' on a bunch of websites including YouTube, and honestly it made people think I was a robot account or something. :p Once I shortened that to JeriKane and added other words, it became much prettier (and easier to remember).