What Made You "POP"?

You are doing very good man, no doubt you will see more growth. When my channel did best gaining new subscribers it was because of this one video I made with 3 good reasons to quit school. It did very well a year ago or so and it gained me "a lot" of subs (maybe 10-15 a day) but the video isnt doing that great any more and I see that on my daily subs... That´s life:)
I made videos about reality shows when they were at the height of their popularity which helped bring a lot of people to my channel. I would advertise on twitter around the same time as they were being aired on television and it paid off well for me. My channel grew rapidly for a while.
That's a good strategy! I'll see if there is anything trending on a digital marketing perspective, but it's just not as sexy as TV shows and vlogging.[DOUBLEPOST=1539158588,1539158512][/DOUBLEPOST]
You are doing very good man, no doubt you will see more growth. When my channel did best gaining new subscribers it was because of this one video I made with 3 good reasons to quit school. It did very well a year ago or so and it gained me "a lot" of subs (maybe 10-15 a day) but the video isnt doing that great any more and I see that on my daily subs... That´s life:)

Thanks! appreciate that. Maybe I need to be happier with where I am and enjoy the journey more, which I am! I'll keep making content and getting better. Thanks!
Another thing I have considered is to do more volg style content and give a bit of insight into me and what makes me tick and why I am on YouTube as a marketer etc. But we'll see.
That's a great idea, but you need to be really careful in the execution in my opinion.
I stopped watching Roberto Blake because he became (again...in my opinion) unbearably self-indulgent with constant references to himself as a successful entrepreneur. I just wanted to hear his advice on digital marketing...not him constantly blowing his own trumpet.
Authenticity is so important on YouTube, and for me at least it's far more interesting to hear about somebody's struggles in business, the learning curve they have gone through, and to some extent their personal circumstances.
Tim Schmoyer does this really well. I listen to him for his advice and insight, but I know that he has 8 kids and that his new born had to have an operation on her eye. I know that he was a youth pastor and is quite religious (although he does not push this at all), I also know something about how he grew his business and where he plans to take it.
For a viewer I think it would be interesting to know more about you - simple stuff like whether you are married, single, in a relationship, gay or straight, whether you are renting a flat and hoping to buy, already own a home and want something bigger, buying a new car...
To do this you really need to open up your life to the public, but I do believe it will grow your subscriber base and views as a result.
That's a great idea, but you need to be really careful in the execution in my opinion.
I stopped watching Roberto Blake because he became (again...in my opinion) unbearably self-indulgent with constant references to himself as a successful entrepreneur. I just wanted to hear his advice on digital marketing...not him constantly blowing his own trumpet.
Authenticity is so important on YouTube, and for me at least it's far more interesting to hear about somebody's struggles in business, the learning curve they have gone through, and to some extent their personal circumstances.
Tim Schmoyer does this really well. I listen to him for his advice and insight, but I know that he has 8 kids and that his new born had to have an operation on her eye. I know that he was a youth pastor and is quite religious (although he does not push this at all), I also know something about how he grew his business and where he plans to take it.
For a viewer I think it would be interesting to know more about you - simple stuff like whether you are married, single, in a relationship, gay or straight, whether you are renting a flat and hoping to buy, already own a home and want something bigger, buying a new car...
To do this you really need to open up your life to the public, but I do believe it will grow your subscriber base and views as a result.

This. All of this. I create evergreen instructional videos. I’ve found that opening up myself beyond the instructional video to more personal information IN ADDITION TO the same everygreen tutorial content is helping me grow. Viewers crave authenticity, and I fought that for a while. I think I strike a decent balance of that now. Or that I am at least headed in that direction.
I am 1 year into my YouTube channel and I made it to 1k subs. I get a steady flow of around 1-3 subs a day, and maybe I should be grateful for that.

However, that is slow growth and I would like to get to the next level. I am not gonna be PewDiePie any time soon (or ever :bounce:) but I want to get to the next step. Maybe that's 10-20 subs per day.

So my question is for those who have been in my position and have gone way beyond. What made your channel get to the next level? (2-10k subs and beyond) Was it 1 video? was it slow and gradual growth over a long time? Was it a shutout? a collaboration? Let me know your thoughts....
Hey Darren. The "pop" in your niche is probably harder than mine (video game), but the strength in yours is longevity. Your information will be relevant for a long time compared to something like mine.

I had a couple "pop" moments. One where I did a heavily edited and entertaining video which has the most views by far. The second is very recent and quite frankly, shocking. I have been doing giveaways in game which has been getting me a good amount of subs each week, but this past Friday I announced a video card giveaway. I was at 320 subs on Friday, and am currently at 935 as I write this... and still growing. Since I established myself in the community and also gained a reputation for giveaways, I think this helped give me credibility. Everyone loves hardware, but they'll love it more from someone they like and trust.

Another element that I forgot to mention is that I incorporate a more comedic element in my videos to keep it entertaining, while still making sure I have data and evidence to support what I'm talking about. This may not be your style, but it seems to work for me because my niche is pretty dry.[DOUBLEPOST=1539609875,1539609320][/DOUBLEPOST]
This. All of this. I create evergreen instructional videos. I’ve found that opening up myself beyond the instructional video to more personal information IN ADDITION TO the same everygreen tutorial content is helping me grow. Viewers crave authenticity, and I fought that for a while. I think I strike a decent balance of that now. Or that I am at least headed in that direction.
I think this hits the nail on the head for whatever genre you're giving something instructional. I like seeing some personality and connection to what I'm looking for, but I also want the relevant information. My niche is pretty dry, and a couple youtubers stand out because they seem to have that balance. Coincidentally, the #1 youtuber for my game is the one I think epitomizes that the most, and is probably my biggest inspiration for what I do.
That's a great idea, but you need to be really careful in the execution in my opinion.
I stopped watching Roberto Blake because he became (again...in my opinion) unbearably self-indulgent with constant references to himself as a successful entrepreneur. I just wanted to hear his advice on digital marketing...not him constantly blowing his own trumpet.
Authenticity is so important on YouTube, and for me at least it's far more interesting to hear about somebody's struggles in business, the learning curve they have gone through, and to some extent their personal circumstances.
Tim Schmoyer does this really well. I listen to him for his advice and insight, but I know that he has 8 kids and that his new born had to have an operation on her eye. I know that he was a youth pastor and is quite religious (although he does not push this at all), I also know something about how he grew his business and where he plans to take it.
For a viewer I think it would be interesting to know more about you - simple stuff like whether you are married, single, in a relationship, gay or straight, whether you are renting a flat and hoping to buy, already own a home and want something bigger, buying a new car...
To do this you really need to open up your life to the public, but I do believe it will grow your subscriber base and views as a result.

Thanks for your thoughts. You're right, I don't want to be "preachy" about my journey. I have filmed my first "vlog" or "thoughts" style video this week so I will see how it goes.

Hey Darren. The "pop" in your niche is probably harder than mine (video game), but the strength in yours is longevity. Your information will be relevant for a long time compared to something like mine.

I had a couple "pop" moments. One where I did a heavily edited and entertaining video which has the most views by far. The second is very recent and quite frankly, shocking. I have been doing giveaways in game which has been getting me a good amount of subs each week, but this past Friday I announced a video card giveaway. I was at 320 subs on Friday, and am currently at 935 as I write this... and still growing. Since I established myself in the community and also gained a reputation for giveaways, I think this helped give me credibility. Everyone loves hardware, but they'll love it more from someone they like and trust.

Another element that I forgot to mention is that I incorporate a more comedic element in my videos to keep it entertaining, while still making sure I have data and evidence to support what I'm talking about. This may not be your style, but it seems to work for me because my niche is pretty dry.[DOUBLEPOST=1539609875,1539609320][/DOUBLEPOST]
I think this hits the nail on the head for whatever genre you're giving something instructional. I like seeing some personality and connection to what I'm looking for, but I also want the relevant information. My niche is pretty dry, and a couple youtubers stand out because they seem to have that balance. Coincidentally, the #1 youtuber for my game is the one I think epitomizes that the most, and is probably my biggest inspiration for what I do.
Thanks for your advice, you're growing really fast, great work! I will consider the comedy and potentially look at giveaways that fit my niche. In true marketing fashion, I am willing to test the uptake on any strategies that could help!
I think you are doing well. What are your goals with youtube, I think if you are using it as a marketing platform, the fact that you are getting paid gigs from youtube shows success. I personally know that I will not make money from YouTube directly, but instead give me exposure to partner with companies that want to support my drifting program.