What Loop Music is and how it's changing things


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Loop music is music made with the assistance of looping machines. Loop pedals and loop stations being the most common. It makes it possible for fewer musicians (often just one musician) to create songs that used to require a full band. Of course that has pros and cons. One big con is that a lot of loop music can end up sounding pretty repetitive. But a lot of the more creative loop musicians are finding ways to keep it interesting and newer loop machines are providing more options for varying things.

One day, without really expecting to do anything with it, I created a page for posting loop videos. I'm in a band. And personally I love playing traditional band music. But I got a loop station for times I wanted to play a show when my band was busy. I started watching a ton of loop videos to learn how to do it right. I kinda shrugged and said might as well make a page for posting the really good ones I run across.

Next thing I know one of the most famous Loop Musicians posted a link to our page and the next thing you know there are all these people and activity. So now we're in the process of trying to launch a YouTube companion page and a website.

Here's a sample of a pretty good Loop Musician with an interesting video. I can post more if anyone is interested.
