What is the best time to upload a video?

The Best time is when you have time to do it.. My only suggestion is pick a time and stick too that time so people know when to expect your stuff.. Get a schedule.. Remember YOUTUBE is world Wide so it may be 1 am where you but it is 1 pm on the other side of the world.
Depends on your content, but I would suggest setting them to public just at about 6pm on a Friday in the west US, that way it will be new on people's home page on a Friday evening (and the rest of the weekend) wherever they are in the world. Worth noting that if you are monetizing you should definitely upload a couple of days in advance to ensure that monetization is accepted on the video before your scheduled release.
Best time is Tuesday, at 4:36am. lol

Jokes aside, I don't really choose a time since my subscribers will have it in the feed anyway, or in Google+, or see it in some way or other. I hope! lol
Ive tried mornings, midday, evenings etc - I didn't notice a difference with any of them to be honest so now I upload and make videos public at completely random intervals.
I was aware there was a "best" time. I think as long as it's not 3 am in the morning you would be good, if you are concerned about immediate views.