What is the benefit of long videos?

Vu Nguyen

Active Member
Hi there,

I'm wondering if there are some benefit for posting long videos ? I see that we can put In-stream ads for videos that are longer than 10 mins, this kind of ads give more CPM or something ?

Otherwise it's would be smart if we split a long videos in two or more parts, and we can get more views because there are couple short videos instead of one long video.
Well, when it comes down to the amount of ads that you can place on videos, longer videos allow you to post mid-roll ads, as opposed to just the standard pre-roll and post-roll ads.
personally, the only benefit I think of when I post a long video is that I get my content out there in one go. Especially since I'm a film guy. The plot needs to be told in one go.

For these things, I don't really look at the money or numbers. It's more about my content at that point
Well, when it comes down to the amount of ads that you can place on videos, longer videos allow you to post mid-roll ads, as opposed to just the standard pre-roll and post-roll ads.
Yeah but like he is asking does that outweigh the benefit you may of received if you split it up to 2-3 different parts?
For the interest of views and also the viewers overall retention rate, you're better off just cutting a really long video into 2 or more segments, unless you have some ridiculously entertaining video that will keep the attention of the viewer each and every second of the duration of the video. An example of one of those videos would probably be Team Fabulous 2; it was just the most random assortment of things that just unexpectedly made you laugh at least once or twice haha.
If you were to ask me, unless you're playing a game I'm really interested in, and have some very colorful commentary to go along with it, there is no benefit.

I try to time my videos based on how I watch other peoples videos. I like the videos I watch to be four minutes or so tops, so those are the kinds of videos I aim to create.
I would not recommend putting an ad in the middle of a long video unless you have premium content. It can be perceived as being greedy.
I suppose I could enable ads on my channel, but I don't want to do that until I've landed a network partnership--I post game videos, and I'm told that the networks can keep you out of trouble with the copyright police, so I thought I shouldn't tempt fate until I know I'm safe. Anyway, I know some game people post ten-minute videos, but I split my gameplay footage up into roughly twenty-minute chunks, partly because I figured that's a reasonable length, but mainly so that when I do turn the ads on, people won't have to sit through as many of them. (Hey, if I keep going at my current rate, I'm going to have loads of videos anyway.)
I've done gameplay videos in the past, and I tried to keep those around fifteen to twenty minutes. Seemed to be pretty effective.
I don't understand your point, I can place long pre-roll ads on my 10-15 second videos. It doesn't make a difference, as long as the like ratio is good they will come. But do longer videos have higher cpm!?