what is it that wins your subscription to a channel

Phil summerland

Liking YTtalk
i'd like to know what it is that makes you hit subscribe on a channel, is it the persons content? maybe the persons looks maybe the sound of their voice or something else.?
Content definitely! If a person has great content up front than I'll want to watch the rest of their stuff, but if it is terrible and poorly made then I probably will just click off the page.
I think it's a mixture for me. Content is on top, but I like to see a nice look to their channel as well. If it's messy and unorganized, I think before I subscribe.
how do you mean exactly when you say messy?
I guess when I meant messy it went with being unorganized. I don't like when channels have a bunch of just random videos thrown together that has no common theme. I think their needs to be a common theme with channels, whether it's gaming, vlogs, sketches, etc. Some channels can work with having multiple themes, but I don't think a lot work.

I guess my biggest pet peeve is being unorganized.
Another vote for content. It's all about the videos. If I like the videos they are making, then I'll subscribe. As easy as that.
Content and frequency of uploads I want to see awesome videos but I also want to see more videos ever so often not like 1 month apart from each video.
I think theres a lot that relies on the appeal of the videomaker. But mostly it all depends about timing and content. I got 2thousands subscribers in a week because i did a walkthrough of a particular game 3 days before it's release. It got people that were looking for this game into my channel and if they liked me, they'd subscribe.

If you record video game on your channel and you want to get subscribers you HAVE to hit in originality. You just can't go around making Minecraft videos and Battlefield and call of duty stuff and expecting to get notice. There's over millions of videos that have that. My most popular walkthrough is Kim Possible... it's a kids game but its undone.

Aim for originality.
content is very important first all i tend to also look to see if there videos are unique meaning there not just doing the same thing as everbody else a lot of channels seem to just copy what everyone else is doing just because it is popular.