What is considered a SUCCESSFUL total view count? (Opinion)


Loving YTtalk
I feel that views and engagement are more important then subs when it comes to a youtube channel. What do you feel counts as a successful total view count?
Well, I believe the average views-to-subs rate is 14%....
So if it's higher than that you're performing well! Haha.
Ultimately it's a very subjective question though - I'd love 1000 views per video I uploaded... which means I'm like 850 short on average hahaha.
I think every YouTuber needs to define what success is for them. Some people care about views only and pay little attention to retention, some people haven't even thought about retention, and some people care about subs rather than views. My biggest interest is having responses to my videos, preferably positive.
Obviously there is no general rule.
I have a channel where I am unhappy when I have below 2000 views/day.
I have another channel where I am super happy with 50 views/day.