What I Learned While Gaining My First 1,000 Subs

This post is really helpful, although I'm a growing channel these tips still apply to me which normally I can't find in many places as many tips are for those just starting out!
4. DON'T Monetize too Early!
If I had a dollar for every time I've read a thread on here about monetizing videos/making money off videos, I'd be a rich girl. If you are under 100+ daily views, there is really no point to monetizing your videos. I am up to 300+ daily views and I still only make around $5 A MONTH from monetizing. When you first start your channel, your videos will be making pennies...if that. Monetizing an unknown channel can hurt your growth because people don't want to sit through an advertisement to watch someone they've never heard of. You want to grab your audiences attention right off the bat with the beginning of your video. I have clicked away from videos so many times because I felt it wasn't worth it to sit through the advertisement to watch the video. Monetize later, drawing in and keeping your audience should be a top priority, not making pennies.

Thank you so much for this post, it really sheds some insight and seems relevant to smaller youtube channels I feel compared to some other articles out there. And congratulations on your continued success with your channel too. :) :bounce:

I had a question about this part of the post though, I know that it's from 2013 so things with youtube have definitely changed since, but do you think this is still something you'd recommend? I find that regardless of what video you click on these days, you're gonna see an ad majority of the time. Before I revamped my channel I had some older videos that I would post and wouldn't monetize and found that they still had ads whenever a friend or family member would watch. It feels like seeing as how Youtube is so ad-heavy these days, people see it as a norm to expect to see an ad when they click on a video whether it's on a browser, phone or even a console. Do you think it's still something that would deter potential viewers/subscribers at this point? :geek2:
Thanks for this, i know this is a old sticky post but i'm new to the channel and i'm reading all of these tips and experiences. So thanks for putting in time
Alot of good tips there, the monetize thing is very interesting, the title and description optimisation is fundamental to people finding your video and for your tags you should use every capable character, I recommend installing TubeBuddy and I use a number of sites like betterwaytoweb's tag generator for youtube to generate a baseline for my tags. It is a long process and you will eventually get there keep at it.... Love the post by the way!
4. DON'T Monetize too Early!
If I had a dollar for every time I've read a thread on here about monetizing videos/making money off videos, I'd be a rich girl. If you are under 100+ daily views, there is really no point to monetizing your videos. I am up to 300+ daily views and I still only make around $5 A MONTH from monetizing. When you first start your channel, your videos will be making pennies...if that. Monetizing an unknown channel can hurt your growth because people don't want to sit through an advertisement to watch someone they've never heard of. You want to grab your audiences attention right off the bat with the beginning of your video. I have clicked away from videos so many times because I felt it wasn't worth it to sit through the advertisement to watch the video. Monetize later, drawing in and keeping your audience should be a top priority, not making pennies.

This was absolute gold for me.
I only have about 35 videos up, and after reading this, went and removed ads from all of them.

Thank you for this article!

- Bill
I appreciate the tips! I also admire the way you go around promoting your content, I can't even count how many times every week even just my channel gets people on it, spamming, begging for subscribers, it's not attractive, and I'd love to link them back to this thread from now on lol. Also, your tips clearly work well, you're almost at 300K 2 years or so later O_o Congrats!