What happens if you stop uploading while partnered with a network?


New Member
I was considering partnering with RPM on my channel. The only thing is that I might not be able to commit to regular uploads for a whole year. If that were the case and I had to stop after, say 8 months or so, what would happen?
Hmmmm I'm actually not sure, I think it's nothing..... but I have moved this thread to the Monetization & Partnership section of the forum.
Don't worry, nothing will happen. They have other stuff do than look at your content and when you upload. Unless stated in your contract, you are fine.
Thanks for moving it! I guess my main question is would I get into any trouble? Or would they just terminate the contract? It says something along the lines of "You agree to create regular content, promote it, and interact with your fans." It also says something like "Breach of contracts not corrected within 15 days of notification will lead to termination." So I guess that kind of answers the question for me :p
Probably nothing, but they have the option to drop you from their network. It should say in the contract.
To elaborate, I do not believe RPM has a real requirement for uploading. It might say make a "reasonable" effort to contribute or something like that, but in reality they're not going to do anything if you stop. I mean they bring in channels that do nothing at all, so yea...
I think they expect you to be fairly active... but they don't have a set quota like 'this number of videos a month' or anything like that.