What does it mean if you get hundreds of views from another video's suggested videos?

The Maker

Well-Known Member
I have gotten a disproportianate number of views from someone else's video and I just wanted to know why that might be.
It would be cool if someone did that, but it´s not that important to get the views!
Maybe someone shares the videos? maybe did a reaction of your videos, without you knowing?
There could be a lot of reasons that you get the views. Awesome for you though!
Seems to me you mean you're appearing on someone else's video in the suggested slot (or have been). You should check out your analytics to be sure. If you get on suggested, it means youtube thinks your videos are related and that people watching the other video also might want to see yours. Depending on how well you perform with that task will decide how good you rank on the suggested slot for that video.