What do you do to pass the time while rendering?

I usually play Agar.io or listen to music or something. the last thing you want to do it sit and watch the percentage go up cause then it will seem to take 10x longer. what do you do to pass the time?
I try to do push ups, but then I get tired :rolleyes: But then I do what @Idec Sdawkminn does, just come on the forums, comment a bit and maybe catch up on a few subscriptions that I'm behind on.
I usually play Agar.io or listen to music or something. the last thing you want to do it sit and watch the percentage go up cause then it will seem to take 10x longer. what do you do to pass the time?
I take a poop, play video games, mountain bike, do housework, or anything that doesn't relate to watching the percentage bar. When I upload I sleep so that my Internet is not bogged down while I'm awake.
I read articles and posts here at YTTalk, haha. I render at night usually and schedule the uploads, sitting on here browsing all the new posts and commenting where I can. It's awesome for me!