What do I need exactly for live stream nightcore radio?


Well-Known Member
I've been searching on Google and Youtube itself. But I can not find a guide step for step how to make/ create a live streaming music stream.

Like those nightcore streams that run 24/7. How can I do this? What do I need? How to set up?

If someone can tell me this or point me to a guide where you can read step by step how to do this it will me much appreciated :)
I don't believe there is an official guide, but I will say that part of it requires that you either leave your computer running 24/7, or to have a spare computer do the streaming for you. I've talked to a radio or two, and they say that it's best to have a pretty strong internet connection, especially since you'll be streaming just about all of the time. Other things require just some setup or pre-setup processes, but as long as you have that stuff setup, you should be fine.

You can message me for more information, or if you'd like me to do some more in-depth research for you, which I would be glad to do.

Best of Luck,