Weird Questions with Cherry Rammer!

This was hilarious! I have to do this tag, cause someone tagged me :p

But right now, I'm on my knees with a stomach virus. Soooooo yeah not this week xD[DOUBLEPOST=1373582935,1373582870][/DOUBLEPOST]WHERE'S THE VIDEO WHERE YOU SLAP CHERREH?!?!?!?!
the best part was when Cherry accidentally hits her head :D
and also when Cherry was dancing and singing that song and when Cherry was talking about his life etc etc
This was hilarious! I have to do this tag, cause someone tagged me :p

But right now, I'm on my knees with a stomach virus. Soooooo yeah not this week xD[DOUBLEPOST=1373582935,1373582870][/DOUBLEPOST]WHERE'S THE VIDEO WHERE YOU SLAP CHERREH?!?!?!?!
Haha its not yet out. I think Cherry is going to release it Saturday.
the best part was when Cherry accidentally hits her head :D
and also when Cherry was dancing and singing that song and when Cherry was talking about his life etc etc
Ok so basically everything that involved Cherry.