Camille Montpetit
Poutine's lover
Wow relax. Ive never said that it should be charity???There is absoluely nothing wrong with people looking at YouTube as a potential career. It is no different from people trying to get into the entertainment business in any other fashion. If you are spending time, money and effort making something that is entertaining, you are well within your right to feel it has value.
This high horse attitude about the idea that YouTube should remain a giant charity case is a load of crap.
OP, you should actually check out who claims the videos of some of the channels you're referring to. Look them up on Socialblade and then contact the parent network to find out just how these groups are monetizing content. They most likely have exception status of some kind in ContentID. The test channel idea is the best.
I started making money recently, and like I said its the cherry on top. its wonderful.
But if you start a channel with the unique intention of making money: then you will be really disappointed.
First of all, it shows when someone is not passionate about what hes doing and people dont wanna watch people who just care about money.
But if you can do both? Good for you !