Vloggers, What Software Do You Use?

Oh for real? So it has to do with the camera? I know its a cheap one.

Im not sure since youtube is 1280x720 or whatever it is, somewhere close to that. I use Camtasia to edit so I can stretch it but I dont want the video to get it all stretchy looking.
The HD comes from the camera so yeah :p
I do not do vlogs only facecam but for edditing and special FX. i use Sony Vegas Pro 11 and you might have to get a better cam ! cockboy away ! ..
I use crummy ol' iMovie, fits my needs though. And, I use my Galaxy S4 to film so that's what gives me my "HD" (Buying a Canon T3i soon for photography and, of course, videos.)
I use Sony Vegas to edit my videos. But if you are looking for something that do the 16:9 aspect ration, you are going to want to get a camera that is capable of widescreen recording.