/ broadbandtvcorp emailing me about joining them

Two reasons. First, YouTube analytics are far superior to ANY network dashboard. This is not debatable, they just have more data and it's updated more frequently. Frankly, I don't know why networks bother with analytics dashboards myself that just replicate what YouTube has already built. waste of time.

Second, there has been concern that networks may alter data prior to loading it into the dashboard. So if the YouTube Analytics are also turned off, you have no way to check and make sure you're not being screwed. This was an issue brought up after a few BBTV partners started getting paid significantly less than with just Adsense alone. Since all networks use Adsense as a base and then position more ads on top, barring the revenue share, nobodies revenue should go down significantly.

First of all, network dashboard efficacy is indeed debateable. If your network's dashboard isn't adding value, but took all this time and effort to make, sure, that's a red flag. I don't feel that's true with Viso at all.

I know my CPM before joining, and sure, for about a month I had to calculate it myself to be sure it increased (which it did). Once Catalyst got enough data to provide a full report, I was very pleased to say the least. Since then, the financials are freely available.

I do have a theory about dashboards and YT Analytic disabling. Could it be because a network is acting as a proxy to get ads outside of adsense, and since adsense/Youtube/Google are the same company, YT analytics can only effectively estimate adsense CPM? From my understanding, CPM is quite a difficult variable to estimate. Just thinking out loud here.

I want to clarify my position on Networks getting a share of ad revenue. If the networks only function is to serve ads, then in my opinion, it is fair for them to get an agreed percentage of a channel's ad revenue on ads that the network served. If a small percentage of ads are actually presented from Adsense, I don't care but as far as I know, we have know way of knowing what percentage of ads were on behalf of the network compared to Adsense. If networks didn't do anything and only Adsense ads were presented, you better be getting some other type of value in order to justify the network getting a cut.

Let's talk about Catalyst for a moment. I know absolutely nothing about it other than you just shared this:

On the surface, that would sound great! But think about it. Catalyst is going to be adding tags. How does it know if the tags are even relevant to your video? That sounds spammy to me. Also consider that every other BBTV channel is getting this feature. So now, instead of you being able to distinguish yourself from others, you are all sharing the same tags.

Fullscreen has a function where you give permission for them to use your account to LIKE other videos. It might do other things such as favorite, subscribe and comment, I don't know. This way, it helps promote each other. In my opinion, this is dishonest. Ratings and such should be done by humans who actually WATCHED and LIKED the video. By the way, I did NOT give them permission to do this with my account. (We have a check-box to enable/disable). My channel is family-friendly and I am careful about what shows up in my Feed.

One thing that Fullscreen created is
Anybody can use it and it gives excellent info. However, it appears that it only runs the report once and saves it. I just tried to run the report again and it provided the same report from a couple months ago. I suspect that Fullscreen benefits from providing this for free by getting the information about accounts that they didn't know about (recruiting tool).

You mentioned that the networks like to sign big channels. Of course! They walk into a nice ready-made cash flow! I built my channel to it's current position before I joined a network. I only joined one a few months ago to see what it's like and to see if they could help me get sponsorship deals. I was already getting premium ads due to my channel size. Even though it was my first network deal, I did a lot of homework and negotiated a contract that is far from what you hear others getting.

Sometimes, people may get the feeling that I am anti-network. I am not. If I am going to let somebody have a piece of the pie, they better be earning it.
1. The tags are highly relevant, like it watched my videos, seriously! And it thinks of so many tags that get hits that I never thought of, with some I have thought of too. Either way, it works. Sleepy, sleeptime, relax, soothing, quiet, whisper, spiritual. The list goes on to many more things you'd have to be 'in-the-know' to understand. ASMR is admittedly pretty out there.

2. Yes, the focus of BBTV seems to be more than just CPM, as you suggest most other networks focus on. Maybe that's why earlier in the year their CPM wasn't so good? Lately I'm seeing a lot of news articles about new huge investments and advertisers going into the company, so I guess that'll always be a work in progress. But that's a good thing, right? They got some big investment from RTL something.. whatever that is lol.

3. As far as big channels go. Well like the recruiter I quoted, it seems they have to prove themselves in order to make anything. And even if they don't increase CPM, they can still be increasing views with Catalyst, which was definitely my focus when looking for a network. Though I'm not big enough to get a guarantee like that. Sounds like they are earning that pie you mentioned.

Sorry if I sound like such a fanboy, I just get a little giddy when my risktaking gets rewarded.