Viral Video Reviews?


Loving YTtalk
So i know a good way to get lots of views quickly is to make videos relating to what is viral at the moment, do any of you all do that? Also what is your technique for doing it such as promoting it etc? I'm thinking of making one every week or two, especially if it really relates to what i typically cover on my channel possibly in a raywilliamjohnson type fashion once i get my camera (but obviously not a complete ripoff of him and with my own original jokes :D)
I was thinking of doing that but I was unsure if I wanted to make a second channel because a lot of those vids could get id claims if someone is registering them. Raywilliam claimed to get the permission to use and upload them but I'm sure that wasn't true towards the end because of how big his channel was. I still think its a good idea though. Although I was going to go for a 5 day a week thing because viral videos happen daily and you never want to be late uploading one of those because of the immense competition out there.
What do you mean ID Claims? Like copyright stuff? I was always under the impression that if you use 30 seconds or less of the material, and you also post links to the originals that you are in the clear from these things.