Video made the TOP of it's subreddit, Got BANNED on Reddit. Made it to 500 subscribers! UNBANNED


Web Design Tutorials
My latest video got 3x as many views as my current top video and I gained 300% subscribers (from 170, to 530!). I received A TON of extremely positive comments, an incredible amount of support and praise for this video. Better than that, NO negative comments or feedback at all. Incredible response. Some of the most amazing compliments I have ever received in my entire life, and that is not sugar coating it.

My videos take a long time to produce. I make one video every three weeks, they all take hours and hours of work due to my editing and animation which I believe is crucial to my channel and brand. I was running behind last week and was up til 2am on a Sunday night editing, with work following the next morning and the video was already three days late. I finished and submitted my video to my sponsor for review. To my surprise, the next morning my sponsor had already emailed me back (wow, that response time) approving the video.

Quick side note, I am INSANELY lucky to have a sponsor. I am generously paid in respect to the gamble my sponsor took on me. I convinced a sponsor to invest in my channel after only 3 videos and got a TEN VIDEO DEAL. This is a fantastic arrangement for me as it adds validity to my work, it keeps me on schedule, it trains my audience to expect sponsorships, and gives me material to show future sponsors in the future. If anyone needs advice/help obtaining sponsors, feel free to message me. My previous job was in sales where I contacted major companies like LA Fitness, Michaels Craft Stores, Large restaurant chains, and more..., and got contracts over the phone and in-person conferences. There's a talk to talk, and if you speak it, money will come.

Back to the main story,

Before I left for work in the morning, I published the video and submitted it to Reddit to the /r/WebDev subreddit (I make web design tutorials). I had been texting my girlfriend and mentioned how if I was able to get about 8 upvotes, it should reach the first page of the subreddit (from previous experience). As the day started, it hovered around that 8 number, which was ok and did get it visible to the front page. From there, it EXPLODED! While at work I was receiving notifications from my reddit app from comments as I watched the upvotes grow all the way to 395 upvotes, placing it at the top of the page for the entire day, with the next post only having 85 upvotes.

Around 7:00pm that day I received one last message stating that my account was banned from /r/WebDev for "self-promotion". This was SOUL crushing. Not only because my video was extremely well received by the community, but also because I am a frequent member of that subreddit and I comment often. It really ruined my day, even after my video had gained over 3,000 views in a day from a channel that just that morning had less than 200 subscribers.

I pm's the mod team and pleaded my case, the rules stated "excessive, self-promotion" was against the rules, which I do not at all believe I did. I ended up PMing multiple Reddit users who commented on the original post and asked them if they wouldn't mind messaging the moderators of the subreddit to let them know that they appreciated the video and did not agree with their decision. The next day I received a message from the mods apologizing and reinstating my account AND the post which had another stint of popularity after that.

The mods did kind of leave it vague on what is self-promotion (since every single post in that sub is generally a video or article created by a Redditor) but hopefully, this is less of a problem in the future.

It was a crazy 24 hour period in total of constant, non-stop phone and computer checking.

Finally, the video for anyone curious.

EDIT: And here is the reddit thread that was originally removed and then re-instated so you can see the comments.
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Way to go! Personally, I hate web design but you make it look fun and easy. I also like your outfit. I wish there was a way to actually self promote without people getting upset. It's like as youtube makes it harder for us to get noticed, people outside of youtube are getting more annoyed at youtubers trying to get noticed. 'Tis a quandry.
Way to go! Personally, I hate web design but you make it look fun and easy. I also like your outfit. I wish there was a way to actually self promote without people getting upset. It's like as youtube makes it harder for us to get noticed, people outside of youtube are getting more annoyed at youtubers trying to get noticed. 'Tis a quandry.
The problem is people promoting their either poor quality content, or content that is "cash-grabby". Absolutely NO ONE minds if you promote quality content, as long as they enjoyed it. If you promote your content, you better be sure the viewers will enjoy it. No one likes their time wasted. The mods said they overreacted by banning me, but I understand that they are probably slammed with spam constantly.
I've had the same experience over in r/graphic_design, banned for completely well-received content, upvoted to the top of the channel. In my opinion that's why the upvote/downvote system is in place, the community should decide what is quality and what isn't, the mods tend to be too powerhungry
Totally agree with your mindset on this! I think as long as you have good intentions of benefiting others you shouldn't be seen as a spammer or a "problem." Good for you man!
Wow man lol. If i were in your shoes i'd be losing my mind LOL great job on all of the upvotes and getting the mods to change their mind. You deserve it
I've had the same experience over in r/graphic_design, banned for completely well-received content, upvoted to the top of the channel. In my opinion that's why the upvote/downvote system is in place, the community should decide what is quality and what isn't, the mods tend to be too powerhungry
Completely agree. It was one out of place moderator.
Around 7:00pm that day I received one last message stating that my account was banned from /r/WebDev for "self-promotion". This was SOUL crushing. Not only because my video was extremely well received by the community, but also because I am a frequent member of that subreddit and I comment often.

I just saw that you're a 5-year member with thousands of karma. I can't believe they banned you for "excessive" self-promotion! I just recently joined Reddit and have been actively contributing, and wanted to build a lot of karma before I even attempted 1 post of self-promotion. But now I'm scared to even try!
I just saw that you're a 5-year member with thousands of karma. I can't believe they banned you for "excessive" self-promotion! I just recently joined Reddit and have been actively contributing, and wanted to build a lot of karma before I even attempted 1 post of self-promotion. But now I'm scared to even try!
Ya, new accounts are looked at carefully, but anything over a year old is basically treated the same. Keep an active account for a year and you have a good account.