Video Link

scott faulknor

Loving YTtalk
I have one video that I copy and past the link, the one where you can edit your video from. But when I paste it to show people its a different video of mine. I know this as the title is different. Why does this happen and how can I fix it so its the right link for the right video?
I can suggest you click on that specific video, like you just a viewer who wants to see a video.
From there copy the url at the top of web screen.
That's sure help you with the link issue.
I think that when you can edit a video might be buggy, or you clicking on a different video, let me know if it helped.
From your "video manager" tab in your dashboard, if you copy the link from the video title text, you get the edit link that you mentioned in this thread. But try right-clicking the video thumbnail and copying that link instead. The thumbnail link should be the viewable video link. That, or you could click on the edit page for a video and copy the "Video URL:" section of text. ^_^