video ideas!

I used to be that way until I started writing down any ideas I had during the day or night or whenever. Now I usually have about 10-15 at any given time, so when it's time to do a video, I have plenty to pick from.

My fiance is probably sick of hearing me say, "Ooh! That'd make a great video. Just a sec, I gotta write that down." :tongue2:
I got a notebook so I can write ideas down! My biggest problem is that I'm very reserved I hold back a lot
Honestly i found a good way for me to start was to do vlogging. Just express my thoughts about something that had been influencing me that day. Eventually that leads to skits that correlate with the vlog (this is the method Shane Dawson) uses for a lot of his videos. So it looks like youre a fairly new youtuber, maybe you should give vlogging a shot. :)
I just asked my friends on both my personal and fan FB pages for a good idea. Gonna hit up my Twitter folk too. I've been drawing a blank for a week now. When in doubt, ask your audience what they want to see. :)
The same happened with me, it took going to summer in the city to motivate me. But it still took me a while to create a new video. What sort of stuff do you do mate? I'm alright at writing and coming up with ideas so I could try and help you out =].
I make comedy skits I feel weird with vloging but I plan on doin it in the future! I also make parodies but it's not my strong point. lol[DOUBLEPOST=1347140998,1347140965][/DOUBLEPOST]I like twelthofadime's style vloging but without the cursing! lol
Keep at it mate, comedy is the hardest genre to write in my opinion. To make funny vlogs is also difficult. When I met Crabstickz he told me to never rush filming because you won't enjoy it. Film when it feels right =]
sometimes i have a hard time with ideas to just think of something you like then go from there
My wife is sick of me doing the same. I now have huhundreds of notebooks full of ideas from the strange "man eats lap posts" to the interesting "Woman finds a book that tells her what is going to happen in the next 30 mins"