Verified YTtalk Members

There should be a better way to get verified than having 100k subs

There is if you don't have 100k subs you can get verified if you have 25 million views. I suppose they would make an exception if you didn't meet that but you had multiple accounts on yttalk impersonating you, highly unlikely though. You do realize this is being verified on yttalk, not youtube.

If you want to be verified I suggest you make a video or two.
We will also verify accounts of those who we deem necessary to verify, for example those who are considered celebrities/internet celebrities but who havent hit the mark yet. Another good way to weed out imposters. Verification to begin with was opt in but to help make it so we dont have anyone bypass it with fake accounts we now require it for channels that meet the criteria.
100k :( So people can impersonate me till i hit 100k xD

We still take impersonation seriously regardless of verification status, we have verification for the larger channels as they're most at risk from it. It is funny because since we implemented this we have had zero Lady Gaga's and fake Smosh accounts ever since :)