VEDA Day 5 is up \o/

I never get confused about gender when playing WoW... I use Mumble* with my guild haha

*Mumble is a voice communication software similar to skype, teamspeak and ventrilo... only 500% better in quality and clarity

*COUGH* I am not sponsored by Mumble *COUGH/LIE*


I aint heard of it before, she never used to go on mic and she didnt chat on mic with the guilds she was with, it is too hard to get in with the crowd on their IMO without the whole noob crap, how do they expect people to learn.
I find learning new games much easier with voice communication going on from people who have played the game and are willing to teach what they have learned. Not to mention just overall the social impact voice communication has in games, even in single player ones... Almost feels like you are in the same room as the person playing... But it´s only "almost"... it´s not full on which us MUCH more fun hehe

I feel the same way about the people I have met on this community, it feels like we all know each other so much and have helped each other too.

When she was on WoW she would ask some people for help or tips and they just ignored her or called her a guy pretending to be a girl, oh lord I would have quit right away me :D
I never get confused about gender when playing WoW... I use Mumble* with my guild haha

*Mumble is a voice communication software similar to skype, teamspeak and ventrilo... only 500% better in quality and clarity

*COUGH* I am not sponsored by Mumble *COUGH/LIE*


Yup I know what mummble is but I have been gaming for over 10 years. We had ventrillo and teamspeak and at the time due to technology it would create lag. I still am not a fan of voice software in games. I used it when doing large group things. There is always this one guy that joins the guild that can clear a chat room in vent lol. For the most part people are pretty quiet and then this one guy joins the guild you know "the new guy" and turns the channel upside down and then none of us want to login because he is always trying to start some kind of argument. I have never seen it be any different unless everyone is hard and fast friends already and knows each other well. However in gaming the object is to well be social and meet new people and do stuff with them hehe. I just always hated voice. Then there are the ones that want me to say something to hear my "sexy voice" haha. (this is why I know its not a male sounding voice ) They login when they see me and ask me to say hello so they can hear my voice. When in gaming you just want to be a part of the group and do stuff with them and not be focused on for your gender. I also tend to play games that are more male dominated shooter type mmo games, pvp type games. Although over time i have found some nice guilds that just let me play and dont focus on the fact I am a female with a "sexy voice" lol. If i play games like everquest which I stopped playing now awhile back because they went free to play I had no issue as at least 50% of the players were female but when I play the post apocolyptic shooter type games its a bit hard haha.
--- merged: Apr 6, 2012 6:07 PM ---
I feel the same way about the people I have met on this community, it feels like we all know each other so much and have helped each other too.

When she was on WoW she would ask some people for help or tips and they just ignored her or called her a guy pretending to be a girl, oh lord I would have quit right away me :D

haha that is why i make male avatars . I started long long ago with gaming i made my first avatar and logged in and was instantly surrounded by a bunch of guys trying to pick me up and have virtual sex with me. Lets just say that well that avatar went poof and I went back to the loading screen and made a new one a male.. and from that day forward.. I make male avatars lol