You signed the contract and unfortunately you have to stick it out. :/ Next time I would recommend doing some more research before signing. It's REALLY important you do. I cannot stress it enough.
In all seriousness its going to be hard to leave.. if you have a copy of your contract (if not your really screwed) then go ahead and try to do the opposite of what it says maybe put in your channel art saying another network or just all around bash machinama... Think of it this way.. You just got imported from africa cause you were told there was alot of food on the west bank you believed them went there fell for the whitemans trap and now your here working your butt off for us
Wait wait wait wait what?!!! Adam tell me what you said to them so I can do the same! Also who did you email? Support or a person?
Wait wait wait wait what?!!! Adam tell me what you said to them so I can do the same! Also who did you email? Support or a person?

When i said "a contract" i reffered to a different network, non the less, i emailed them stating how the legal agreement is no longer beneficial to the both of us, and they agreed. Contract broken, GG mate.