Updated! ( verification badge removed?)

It's absolutely crazy. I've seen so many content creators on Twitter saying that they are getting their verification badge removed. Sorry to hear that you losing yours too. Good luck with the appeal.
Yeah, I just received the same email. I'm going to appeal too. The reason I requested it (and was immediately accepted) in the first place was because other people were indeed starting to impersonate me on Youtube and other social media. What a joke. WTF YouTube ?
270k subs here, not losing it (email only said changes of grey name and thats it). Havent uploaded on this channel in 2 years now too so kinda weird.
I own three official Music Artist channels; and nothing is changing for any of mine, except I'm getting the grey background against my channels' names.
Yeah that's good news but it should never have come to that in the first place.

It was Youtube themselves who used to give out verification badges to channels who didn't even have the minimum threshold of 100,000 subs. I believe they allowed MCNs to give out verification badges at their discretion to their partners and then those MCNs used it in their sales pitch to sign up partners. "Sign up with our network and we'll get you verified." I remember there was a guy on here who had 1k subs who got verified by his MCN just because he worked for an MCN lol. (http://yttalk.com/threads/youtube-certified.187736/post-1766465 )

YouTube's reasoning for these changes was "People wrongly think verified means YouTube endorses the content." - Well if that is true, then it's Youtube's job to communicate and educate better but that's not the fault of the 100k+ sub verified channels. And by then removing those verified badges all of sudden, then those same people will interpret is as YouTube now disapproving of the channel in question and so they're being punished for YouTube failing to communicate properly.

I'm happy that they are changing their minds. I really hope that the backlash they got makes the YT bosses actually consider things a bit more now. Probably not though. It wouldn't have affected me at all as i'm far too small of a channel, but i'm super duper glad everyone is keeping their verification status.
It was Youtube themselves who used to give out verification badges to channels who didn't even have the minimum threshold of 100,000 subs. I believe they allowed MCNs to give out verification badges at their discretion to their partners and then those MCNs used it in their sales pitch to sign up partners. "Sign up with our network and we'll get you verified." I remember there was a guy on here who had 1k subs who got verified by his MCN just because he worked for an MCN lol. (http://yttalk.com/threads/youtube-certified.187736/post-1766465 )

Wish i'd started this YouTube lark years ago, i'm not saying it was easier back then, but there seemed to be loads of ways to play the system. :giggle: