Understanding the Industry and Owning Your Career

It's fair to say that YouTube/online video in general will soon eclipse TV. TV is only alive due to advertising and most people can and do skip the commercials via a DVR. A company can spend far less for an advertising campaign on YouTube and get their money's worth. Besides, you can pause, rewind, fast forward, download, etc. on the internet without an expensive DVR or cable plan. TV's going downhill.
somebody needs to pin this thread this is great man

Thanks so much! I'm a big believer that a creators' destiny is always in their own hands - that's what makes them creators. Not the stories they tell or the videos they make, but the ability to take a thought, a desire, and forge it into reality with nothing but their mind, hands and their will. If you can do that with a video, you can do that with your channel, your career, and your life. ;)