Unable to change video thumbnail


I have tried to change a video thumbnail. I have tried several ways, including the new Studo Creator Beta. Can't do it.

An old self-generated thumbnail keeps popping up.

How do I do it?

Thank you!

Dr. T
I am pretty sure I read something in studios about a ''bug'' with thumbnails. Might be your problem. In that case I would wait it out until it's fixed.
I had this problem. What I did to make it work was put the thumbnail I wanted to use on my phone. Then, if you have YT Studio app add the thumbnail from there. I don't know why Studio Beta is so glitchy. Can be frustrating at times. Try it that way and see if that works.
Hey! Check the thumbnail photo dimensions to make sure you are making the correct sized thumbnail. Also, try to not make the image file size too large.

That worked for me. I keep the same format every time on mine when I make them in photoshop.
All of the suggestions are very good. :)

Also - sometimes the thumbnail has in fact updated on the server and it is just your local browser showing the old one. Solution: Clear cache, close the browser and then try again.