Ummm... Does this count as a contract??

Well I'm an idiot and went back to look at the terms and conditions and joined the network 0_0.... I really really hope I don't get locked into there CMS lol. FART! hmmm So I be screwed I think XD I hope its a good network :'( lol[DOUBLEPOST=1365459210,1365458667][/DOUBLEPOST]All well :/ I am actually kind of excited about the music and sound effect library :D So I guess no problems there.
Once again epic facepalm :( contact their support!
It was from yes. But the title was different.
Invitation: RPMNetworks would like you join its Network on YouTube


i applied and got the same invitation too, but i rejected it, and the message to link my channel to the RPM network in my dashboard is now gone because i rejected it but i don't know if i'm locked to their network since i agreed with the contract.
i applied and got the same invitation too, but i rejected it, and the message to link my channel to the RPM network in my dashboard is now gone because i rejected it but i don't know if i'm locked to their network since i agreed with the contract.
I think that you are locked but if you want to link your account to them now you will have to contact support to have them send the invitation again.
Once you have signed the contract, even if you don't accept the invitation you are stuck with them for 2 years. If you don't accept the invitation, they can take legal action can't they?
If you click the link, you`ll be latched onto their CMS, in which case they`ll have no obligations to pay you or ever release you.

There must have been a mistake, PM support asking for help.
wait. what? I just got accepted into RPM. I just got the invite email too. No contract email to me. They also said to email and ask for dashboard I did. They also said you can add payment details what's this talk about no revenue?