TYTD Review/Red Triangle Reviews

Hi all!

It's been a couple of weeks but im back and im going to slowly be catching up with some reviews that have gone out over the last couple of weeks (I've been in isolation for 2 weeks, but It turns out I was fine and I've spent most of the last fortnight sat in a beanbag watching movies and drinking whisky!)

ANYWAY! Halloween! *WOoOoOoOoOoOoOo* yeh....I know it's a bit late. but we're only 2 behind in fairness! so here's "The Halloween that almost wasnt"! (Also known as "The Night Dracula Saved the World!") one of the most charming and entertainingly written young kids halloween movies I've ever seen!

Also! because I seem to have missed it off last months reviews! here's a full length commentary for "You Only Live Twice" as we continue our Bond Marathon!

Well! We're nearly caught back up! so here's the final raft of halloween specials while im still able to sit up (these last few days have been insane thanks to my love of watching elections play out) :cold:

Anyway! Here's the last of the halloween specials: "Creepshow!" which features several close friends and special guest critics to help me go through each section :) I had a real good time with these people and I hope you find them as interesting as I did.

Also! I sat down with the Missus and my partner in crime Ben to take a look a the halloween classic 1993's "Hocus Pocus" (this was recorded in march before any lockdown measures were introduced. so it's kind of interesting to see how times have changed)

And thats all for now! I'll probably be back in a couple of days to post last fridays episode but for now; stay safe guys!
And we're finally back up to date ladies and Gents! this weeks review is a sword and sandals epic! as we take a look at the Sequel to Luigi Cozzi's Masterwork of absurdism Here's "The Adventures of Hercules" Also known as Hercules 2! :eek:

This week! I FINALLY review a GOOD 50's Bmovie!!! :cold: (You may want to take a seat for this one!)

Hay all!

Just wanted to drop by with a bit of a bonus! (this weeks jam packed I can assure you!) I was recently invited by a friend of the show to join them on their podcast "The Best Little Horror House in Philly" to discuss My history with horror movies, some of my favourite horror films and in particular what I would deem my all time favourite! Honestly; it was quite a tough choice but in the end I went for the 1973 film "The Wicker Man"

It's a part interview, part chat about horror history and part SUPER detailed review of the entire history of The Wicker Man, including it's full archive status and cut history. I had a real blast on there and I thought you guys might appreciate it, So if you want to check it out the link to it is below :) :

This week! BRUCESPLOITATION! and if you think you've seen the true "Game of Death" then you'd be sorely mistaken. THIS. is "The TRUE Game of Death" :tongueout:

This week! a real obscurity! and one thats DEFINITELY NSFW. you've been warned and with that I introduce you to "The Night Child" also known as "What the Peeper saw" :walkingdead:

This week! after last weeks dabauchery! I thought we'd go violently in the other direction and instead look at the TRUE meaning of christmas...delivered in possibly the most boring way imaginable. :cold:

This week! Did someone say 90's cash in!? because Im sure I heard someone say "90's Cash in"! and you'd be right to think you heard "90's Cash in" because THIS. is a "90's Cash in" :hot:

Oh! Also; I forgot to share our Latest Comedy Dining experience a short time back! so here it is! "On Her Majesties Secret Service!"

Well! thats another christmas over and done with (it must have been at least a year since the last one!) I spent a good chunk of christmas with my support bubble person (She was alone with no family through christmas, so it seemed only fitting to keep her company) I'm a bit behind here but here's not last weeks but the week befores episode! and; while the art style isnt great. I personally kind of dug this one!
