TYTD Review/Red Triangle Reviews

Well! it's season finale time! and to round out Season 4 I've draughted in a friend of mine to help me cover the 2nd strangest film Malaysia has ever produced:

Also for anyone interested I also recently made an appearence on Raymonds Channel talking about another Terminator inspired movie right here:

Feel free to drop in and say hi to the guy, he's charming :)

There'll be no review next week as I take a much needed rest (Ha!...as if a love of bad films ever "rests") but I'll be right back in September with Season 5! :D
Welp! I've had a hell of a life the past 2 months! better get backdating! SO! here's like...5 episodes from my new season!

Well...life has a habit of not so much throwing you under the bus; more running over you repeatedly and then stubbing a cigar out on your forehead...the long and short of it is i've pretty much been automated for the last 4-6 weeks...but the good news is I've managed to get some free time! so here's all of my halloween reviews! the theme this year was "Halloween!" so here's 4 halloween themed movies :)

I also managed to sit down with my full length commentary partner in crime Ben! and we did a full length commentary for "The WNUF Halloween Special" (A damn fine film I highly recommend you go and check out!)

Im here again and im doing another "Massive dump" make of that what you will. ;)

It's Christmas in July!!!

And thats Season 5! hope to be back sooner than last time with the start of Season 6! :)
Im back! and here's a decent smattering of Season 5 (Plus a Full Length commentary for the movie "Head"!) More to follow!

Back at it again! here's a few more for you guys! <3

And as a brucy bonus here's another full length commentary (This time fully synched to the original movies themselves!)

A handful more! (Some have been causing me serious copyright issues...But I battle on!)

3 new ones! fresh outta the oven ladies and gents!

[A Terrible Movie]

[A Full Feature Commentary for the Theatrical Cut of "Commando"]

[And my newest review for the sci-fi classic "Silent Running"]
Well guys! Halloweens rapidly upon us! And this year i've decided to go for a Themed month! yes! for the entirity of October I've been charting a semi-alternative history of the Vampire! here's the first 3 for your viewing pleasure!
