Traffic Sources from YouTube Analythics


YTtalk Mad
Hello. I am curious to know if you would like to share your info about traffic sources. I mean on percentage. I started to think about that because mine started to change and we can learn a lot from that. Thank you

Suggested videos 47%
Browse features 22%
YouTube search 11%
Other 20%
Now I was actually suprised when I looked at my traffic sources quite a few people actually search my videos up.

Suggested videos are 48%.
Youtube Search are 29%
External is 9.4%
Other is 14%

Also 78% of my viewers are male and 28% are female.

U.S.A is 58%.
UK is 7%.
Now I was actually suprised when I looked at my traffic sources quite a few people actually search my videos up.

Suggested videos are 48%.
Youtube Search are 29%
External is 9.4%
Other is 14%

Also 78% of my viewers are male and 28% are female.

U.S.A is 58%.
UK is 7%.
Thank you for sharing :)
One of my more recent videos with some data to go from:
Browse Features 42%
External 19%
Suggested Videos 11%
Other 27 %

My channel as a whole from the dawn of time:
YouTube search: 38%
Suggested Videos: 29%
Browse Features: 14%
Other: 18%

I guess over time my videos get found within YouTube, and then suggested by other videos. It is funny to see that even on a more recent video the External (which is placing it on reddit, facebook, instagram etc.) doesn't do much. People find it organically. Not in droves mind you, but still. It's cool!
One of my more recent videos with some data to go from:
Browse Features 42%
External 19%
Suggested Videos 11%
Other 27 %

My channel as a whole from the dawn of time:
YouTube search: 38%
Suggested Videos: 29%
Browse Features: 14%
Other: 18%

I guess over time my videos get found within YouTube, and then suggested by other videos. It is funny to see that even on a more recent video the External (which is placing it on reddit, facebook, instagram etc.) doesn't do much. People find it organically. Not in droves mind you, but still. It's cool!
Thank you. Good info. I had the most of percent on suggested videos but now it's starting to change to browse features but i would like traffic from youtube search :)
Here's mine from the past 28 days:


All about getting ranked in browse features (suggested on the home page) as the traffic is insane when you do. I was getting over 1500 views per hour on one video for a short time when it was ranked there.
Here's mine from the past 28 days:


All about getting ranked in browse features (suggested on the home page) as the traffic is insane when you do. I was getting over 1500 views per hour on one video for a short time when it was ranked there.
Yes, thank you. That is the info i was looking for. Thanks for sharing. Do you have maybe a tip :)?
Yes, thank you. That is the info i was looking for. Thanks for sharing. Do you have maybe a tip :)?

Just focus on using SEO to rank your videos in search.

If the video performs well enough in a short period of time it'll get featured on the home page. I'm still figuring out the ins and outs of how to replicate this since for me it more or less happened unintentionally every time, but I think one way to do it is to target a very popular similar video to yours that's doing incredibly well, and try to get the two videos related. The influx of views from both that video and search should be enough to trigger the algorithm to start recommending you on the home page.