Too late for a name change/soft rebranding?


Loving YTtalk
Given I've been known to regret some of my big semi-permanent choices, an outside perspective might be best to make sure I'm not shooting myself in the foot..again.

So I've gone by MrCromartie1989 for six years now (technically an active four). It's gotten to the point of autocompleting on Google, it's pretty much all my social media profiles, etc.

However, for the longest time I've wanted to drop the Mr. as I like the idea of androgyny in the name better, and it would make me extremely happy to do so considering how I feel about my gender identity irl.

However, will I be undoing everything I've established? This thread gave me second thoughts (yttalk[dot]com/threads/avoid-changing-your-youtube-name-if-possible.173684/#post-1637351). I kind of like the idea of a soft reboot though as I do want to adjust my content a bit. I'm split right down the middle on the idea. On on end it feels like the perfect, maybe even logical thing to do at 5K subscribers as I have time to recover any losses in SEO, etc. on my way to 10K (in a dream-come-true scenario at least) on the other end, well-all that stuff I mentioned.

Also my custom URL already reflects the change (CartoonsbyCromartie) and-mrcromartie1989's SEO and whatnot is just going to stay and redirect to me anyways right? Am I worrying over nothing?

Anyone go through similar? Regret it? Love it?

I know I've been making a lot of these threads lately. Sorry. :hilarious2:
I find channel URLs to not matter. My channel URL name is, yet in all my videos I say New Age Soldier. Same with channels like LGR (lazy game reviews) his URL is and lots others. Don't worry about the URL so much.
the most simple the name is the better it is to be remembered :) I would say change it, the earlier the better, if your planning on sticking with youtube for the long game!
the only worry is that since it's at the start of the username, people will remember to start with the M, I would keep MrCromartie in your tags of any new videos for a while untill people get totally used to the change, that way even if they search the old name your vids will come up for them.
You're all right. The only question then became, "Hmm, do I change it now or months later when I'm done with my break" so I went ahead and changed it before I became any more of an over-thinker. :D No harm. Guess I'm still "MrCromartie1989" on a technical level but indeed this has me ready and excited for my relaunch. Thanks for the input.