Time you post

Great 5s

Active Member
Hey everyone, just wondering if the time you post videos really matters. especially as a new YouTuber.
Me, personally, I don't think the time you post really matters, but it is convenient for your subscribers. If they know your schedule, and you post like every Wednesday at 8 PM, they'll most likely think of you every Wednesday at 8 PM when they are on YouTube. :p
I post anywhere between 12PM to 4PM, not because I see a difference but because it's just when I get back from class. I don't think it really matters with the new subscription box.
Moved to the strategy / technique forum. :)

Use your real-time analytics to find your peak times.
If your audience lives in a similar time zone to you then it might matter. If your audience lives all over the world then I think it matters less, since you can't post at a perfect time for all of your audience if their located all over the world. I always post around 12-2pm Eastern Time.
I try to post a video as soon as I get up. So usually around noon central time. It's helpful to be as consistent as possible. A youtube channel I follow always posts around 4pm my time so I know around that time to look out for his new video. I don't think there's any specific 'magic time' as long as you try to stay consistent.
I think it really matters because you want the most people seeing your things as possible. My audience is mainly American so I always cater to their time zones. Always posting at the same days/times helps your audience adapt to a rhythm and they know what to expect