Thinking of shots in hind view

Dutchie Abroad

Exploring the world one video at a time!
Hey everyone~
So one of my main problems with vlogging is that when I start editing, I suddenly think of shots that I could have added or worse: shots I actually need.

Last weekend I went to an archery lesson and was able to film heaps, but now in hindsight I realize I hardly tell my audience anything. Some things I can do with voice over, such as telling a bit about the club and the owner (who is a Youtuber as well), but other things I can't really do without proper footage, such as explaining how to actually shoot a bow. I basically have an hour of footage of me shooting a bow and about two or three times that I talk to the camera.

Anyway, my question is: How can I avoid missing shots I need? I'm pretty bad at planning out what I'm going to shoot, because I don't know the structure of the video until I start editing and often don't even know how the day will go before I start shooting. Any tips and tricks would be appreciated!
Some videos, I have them in my head days before I shoot them. That gives me time to flesh them out and possibly think about b-role, topics to bring up, and assets for the main presentation.

To be honest, most of the time, I learn from previous situations, mistakes, shortcomings.

Don't let it happen again young lady... :wavespin:
Plan ahead. Think of what kind of shots you want, go to the location (if possible) and get a picture of how you want things done. Where to place the camera. What sort of perspective(total, half-total, near, ultra near etc)? Maybe you want to get several shots of the same thing, but in different angles? Try to replicate each scene in approximately the same time (but from different angles and perspectives) so it's easier to sync it up later to switch between angles.

Just my two cents.
Try to replicate each scene in approximately the same time (but from different angles and perspectives) so it's easier to sync it up later to switch between angles.
I like this one, because it's easy to end up with really similar shots of everything (panning from right to left and/or down to up). I don't vlog in a style that I would visit a place first and shoot later, as I'm experiencing things for the first time in my vlog. But it would benefit me to make more and different shots for the sake of diversity.

Also, just an update on my starting post, I edited the archery video in a different style than I originally imagined when shooting it and think it turned out pretty okay :)