Thinking Of a Series

Hey I was thinking about doing a series/playthrough for Outlast 2 when it comes out . Do you personally think I should do Outlast 1 first ? (as in upload it) .
I think it would be cool if you hyped up outlast 2 by playing outlast 1, or maybe talking about news and features coming to outlast 2 while having outlast 1 Gameplay in the background that's what I'm doing for my Crackdown videos, while I'm hyping up Crackdown 3 there is Crackdown 1 in the background
Totally off topic, but you look like someone who should have a BIG react channel, dont know why, you just have a certain look about you haha

Outlast 2?? it looks lit, if i were you i'de go balls deep on outlast 2, play it at night, in a dark room, and boy turn up them headphones. Gl

saw your warheads video, savage


keep it 100
I dont think you have to. Go with what feel right. I dont think anyone will go "oh he has a cool Outlast 2 video but didnt go through Outlast 1 first, Im not gonna watch that!"
I think you're fine. :)