thinking about far cry 3!


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i am thinking about doing more far cry 3 multiplayer videos since my first video was such a big hit im thinking about making another one and continuing on to get me some more veiws :p
Good idea, but I would be careful if I were you,
looking at your most popular video, it may have been botted since over 8100 of those views are "from a mobile device"

Botting exploits YouTube's API for smartphones, so this is a sign you may have been botted! Just be careful!
Good idea, but I would be careful if I were you,
looking at your most popular video, it may have been botted since over 8100 of those views are "from a mobile device"

Botting exploits YouTube's API for smartphones, so this is a sign you may have been botted! Just be careful!

Ah yes I hadn't looked at it. 4 likes, zero comments, but over 8k views usually means botting :( also the fact you seem to have gotten them all at once from a mobile device, as Kirby says, suggests botting.

Of course it could be a massive coincidence, but just be prepared for YT to detect these and delete the views (it happened to me once only with about 100 views thankfully, but they deleted them)