Things you will need for a good background!


Active Member
First things first, you're going to need a good color layout. For my channel i chose blue and black. I found that if you stick to two main colors people tent to notice your background more. Second, you should make sure you have plenty of space fillers. Making it look like there's a lot going on will catch peoples eye(don't over do it, eventually it's to much). Next try to allow your background to some how interact with you're channel, like maybe put an arrow in your background that points to the first video/playlist on your channel. The last of this is to make sure it looks professional, no stray pixels or stretched out logos. A lot of people try to fill space by stretching out Facebook or Twitter logos. People aren't used to seeing those logos like that and it will most likely turn them away from your channel. People often forget to fade there channels out at the bottom.
First things first, you're going to need a good color layout. For my channel i chose blue and black. I found that if you stick to two main colors people tent to notice your background more. Second, you should make sure you have plenty of space fillers. Making it look like there's a lot going on will catch peoples eye(don't over do it, eventually it's to much). Next try to allow your background to some how interact with you're channel, like maybe put an arrow in your background that points to the first video/playlist on your channel. The last of this is to make sure it looks professional, no stray pixels or stretched out logos. A lot of people try to fill space by stretching out Facebook or Twitter logos. People aren't used to seeing those logos like that and it will most likely turn them away from your channel. People often forget to fade there channels out at the bottom.
This thread is useless the layout is changing in 2 days time ... :
I've heard about the layout change, But I was part of a 40+ thousand person petition to keep the layout the same. I'm not sure if it will work, but it has to count for something. You're all right though, When i wrote this, i forgot about the layout change. Sorry if i wasted anyones time. Thank you all for being nice about it, lol.
Help stop the new layout here!
Go to my channel and watch the latest video! help our community!