Thanks guys.

Good finally are you happy with it =]

Yup. New members *which joined November* updated me with payments this January 16 and they're good. Mine is on February 'cause I joined December XD I'll update you too if I received my payment. As for the people in TGN they're good and friendly too :D
Yup. New members *which joined November* updated me with payments this January 16 and they're good. Mine is on February 'cause I joined December XD I'll update you too if I received my payment. As for the people in TGN they're good and friendly too :D
I mean payments are awesome but really I just like the idea of more publicity and such. Money is nice and maybe will be happy eventually but hell I am glad to have someone on the inside =]
They need to update the website and such. They on transition for now because of the new CEO XD I'll just make content and eventually it will come :D
I just talked to someone at TGN they have music links in the handbook.
Also they are redoing the website soon so be excited.
Nice. I think someone is asking for the links too in the forum. I know the branding link but the music links is I don't know XD