[TGN Youtube partnership]Do you want to become a Youtube partner?

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Even that is kind of excessive. Most people here don't have more than 10,000 views a month. I understand your desire to grow your network, but we're better suited for someone like Fullscreen that has lower standards for view count. Most people here do not meet the qualifications for your company, so I don't know how well it'd work out. Sorry :p
we can all still dream..
Of course, you can set goals for yourself and work towards them> I'm just saying that making this offer, and setting a requirement that is far beyond anything that any of us are capable of producing is somewhat unfair.
Yes that is very true tgn was actually the first channel i looked at because i thought it was reasonable but then i figured out 1,00 views a month is alot mean my channel is 1-2 days old and i only got like 125 views
Yes that is very true tgn was actually the first channel i looked at because i thought it was reasonable but then i figured out 1,00 views a month is alot mean my channel is 1-2 days old and i only got like 125 views

Well, if you're THAT low, you shouldn't be applying for partnershpi at all at this point. You should wait until you have a pre-established audience.
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