TGN As Partner?

Agreed. Adsense robs people. CPMs with just Adsense are outrageously low for most people. I used to use Adsense back before the partner program was as easy to get in. (When you needed like 5k subs to be considered). The CPMs were so horrible. It was just not worth it, so I turned off ads on all my videos. The worst network CPM is going to be better than the best Adsense CPMs in most cases. Some people manage to still get somewhat high with Adsense, but they must get tons of clicks somehow... :)
people who get tons of clicks.. gets this face from me ;)
Another thing to mention is I'm pretty sure TGN has no minimum payout, unlike a bunch of networks that require you to make at least $100 or so before you'll actually get paid, so if you aren't content because you didn't earn much or something, you'll be able to leave right then and there, and still have made something.
I just got the report and I love my RPM XD didn't expect that kind of earning @ my first report. Support is fast in business day. I message them this morning *on my timezone* and got back to me 5 hours plus the report I'm requesting. So far so good so I will expect my payment this 15th :D
I just got the report and I love my RPM XD didn't expect that kind of earning @ my first report. Support is fast in business day. I message them this morning *on my timezone* and got back to me 5 hours plus the report I'm requesting. So far so good so I will expect my payment this 15th :D
The payment comes in by 6pm my time zone usually... PST... On the 15th...